

Sky Hoffert
September 4, 2020


  - 2 cup Flour
  - 3/4 cup Water (ish)
  - 1/4 tsp Salt
  - 3 tbsp Olive Oil


Sift the flour into a large mixing bowl.

Mix salt into flour.

Slowly add 1/2 of the water, mixing well.

Add oil, mixing well.

Add water until dough becomes slightly sticky.

Let rest (uncovered is fine) for about 10 minutes. Warm up a large skillet on medium-high heat.

Divide dough into 8 parts.

Moderately flour a surface for rolling out the dough.

Roll out dough, constantly flipping and flouring surface. It should sort of become easier to roll out and not stick to the roller or surface.

Once fairly thin, place on very lightly oiled skillet. More oil may be needed as you go.

Just one or two minutes per side, they should resemble a tortilla as bought in the store.

Yummy tortillas!

Chips Instructions (optional):

Preheat oven to 350° F.

Cut tortillas into chip form. Cook for 10 minutes, until beginning to brown.

Watch closely! They burn quick after starting to brown

Hit the chips with a sprinkle of salt and pepper immediately after pulling out of oven.

Cook chips to your likeness.

Be Curious!

© 2020 Sky Hoffert